Our Mission
“NLF exists to help people in the southwest area of Pittsburgh encounter Jesus, grow in their faith and give it away.”
Our Values
At NLF, we include people from all stations in life – young and old, rich and poor, married and single, student and worker. We also include people from all ethnic backgrounds because we believe the Church contains the seeds to destroy racism and prejudice.
At NLF, we include people from all stations in life – young and old, rich and poor, married and single, student and worker. We also include people from all ethnic backgrounds because we believe the Church contains the seeds to destroy racism and prejudice.
We are a people filled with God’s Spirit. We believe that signs, wonders and miracles still take place and that the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Scripture are all for today.
We are a people filled with God’s Spirit. We believe that signs, wonders and miracles still take place and that the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Scripture are all for today.
We care for and serve people. We ALL need each other to fully experience true spiritual growth and fulfill everything that God has called us to do. We are truly a family.
We care for and serve people. We ALL need each other to fully experience true spiritual growth and fulfill everything that God has called us to do. We are truly a family.
Our Pastors
Pastors Chris & Pam Mays,
Lead Pastors
Have been full-time at New Life Fellowship since the passing of Chris’ father in January of 2008. Raised at NLF, Chris graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 1991. He moved to Winchester, Virginia and worked for 17 years at a regional healthcare system. He and Pam married in 1994 and both served in various leadership roles at Agapè Christian Church until their move to Pittsburgh in 2008. They have wonderful, awesome, Jesus-loving children, including two daughters (with two son-in-laws and four grandsons!) and one son.
Our Beliefs
For a more in-depth look at some of our beliefs, check out our What We Believe playlist on YouTube.
JESUS CHRIST We believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. The personal relationship that God wants to have with us is only possible because of His incarnation. We believe that Jesus wants us to make disciples of all nations and to teach them to obey His words.

We believe that every person needs salvation because of their own sin. The good news is that this salvation has already been provided: it is found by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ; it is an unearned gift that is received through faith and has nothing to do with our human effort.

We believe that the Holy Spirit lives in every believer and enables us to live godly lives. We are a charismatic church. This means that we believe the Holy Spirit is supernaturally active in the earth today through – but not limited to – signs, wonders, miracles and diverse spiritual gifts that all point to Jesus. We believe that, through the Holy Spirit, Jesus still heals and sets people free from the work of Satan today.

We believe that the Kingdom of God will continue to increase in the earth until Jesus physically returns in power and glory to permanently and eternally establish His rule.

We believe the Bible is God’s divinely inspired message to humanity. It has the final say on every part of life and faith.

We believe in following the example of Jesus and the early Church regarding water baptism and communion.

We believe that everyone who trusts in Jesus for their salvation is part of the Church, the Body of Christ. The Church is not a building or an organization; it is people. The Church is where God lives and how He is establishing His Kingdom in the earth. Our local church is overseen by a senior pastor and a group of elders.

We believe that there will be a future resurrection of all mankind: those who believe to life and unbelievers to age-enduring ruin.

We believe that the offices described in the Bible (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) exist to help equip every person in the church to be a minister no matter where they are in life. We believe diversity is vitally important and that the Church has within it the seeds to demolish the scourge of all forms of prejudice.

We believe that God wants us to give generously to our local church. We believe that giving a tithe (10%) of our income is not an obligation, but a practice that positions us to see more of the blessings of God flow in our lives. Click HERE to give online.